Sunday, February 12, 2012

Shop stats

Numbers, dates and charts

This concrete data allows us to judge the effectiveness of our work. It provides an objective review, is a source of conclusions and gives us a map for the future. If you carefully analyze your statistics, your marketing efforts will be better thought out, and therefore are likely to bring better outcomes. We will analyze shop statistics below.

Views. From the chart you can see that renewing and adding new items to the shop will increase your views, sometimes by as much as three times. Try and plan your actions in such a way as to keep the interest in your store at a stable, high level. Enrich your shop in stages, instead of adding 20 things one day per month. New items in the shop increase traffic in the entire store, not just on the pages of individual listings.

What good are hearts? Thanks to etsy’s new column “Recently Favorited” – they are an additional way to stimulate interest and drive traffic to our shops. It’s worth it then, to check out the number of hearts and correlate them with an event. Joining a team, advertising on a blog, presence on a popular treasury – those are some of the many happenings that can bring a wave of hearts.

Chart of Orders and Revenue will help us foresee a “season”, plan a vacation or help keep financially solvent. It is worth looking at them over a longer time period.

Traffic Sources
Where are your customers coming from? By answering this key question, you can prepare a more attractive offer, and following that – bring in even more customers.

- If they are coming from a specific blog you can try to work together with the blogger to offer a giveaway in exchange for a post about your shop.

- If there is no Facebook, twitter, or other popular social networking tools in the pool of your clients – open an account and see how many people will be able to find you that way.

-Don’t have your own blog? Start one. It’s a simple way to share interesting observations, photographs, and news from your workshop with others. Aside from new clients, you’ll gain a following of fans who will support your efforts - good and bad.

On the above example you can see how little was done to increase traffic in the shop. Despite weak results on the whole web – the results on Etsy are not too bad. The cause of this is - amongst other things: being featured in a treasury and on the Front Page, the results of searches and the number of hearts

The Search button is a place where you can grab more customers intent on buying than anywhere else. Observe this column with great attention. Use many different key words, and experiment with them, however, concentrate on those that have the most effect. If 50 people per week come to your store because they are looking for a lace collar, use that information. Put more of them in your store. Add different styles, colors, and expand your offers with an assortment of lace bracelets. Use the “tags” as best as you can. Sometimes it’s better to analyze and add corrections to the tags than to add a new item to the store.

Luck requires assistance. Before you buy an advertising spot on TV, concentrate on the basic data, which changes unknown risks into real and constant sources of revenue. Start analyzing you statistics today and you will be surprised at the conclusions you can draw from them.

Are you hooked? Test out Google Analytics, Craftcult and Craftopolis.


Take a look At POLetsy member GIVEAWAY  


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